Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Malaysia Truly Asia

In the heart of Asia lies a land of many cultures, wonders and attractions. It's a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians, Chinese and many other people live together in peace and harmony. It is also a land of fascinating extremes, where towering skyscrapers look down upon primitive longhouses.

Blessed with natural wonders galore, it is perfect for a memorable eco-holiday. With some of the best beaches and diving spots in the world, it is ideal for island getaways. Experience Asia in Malaysia.

Malaysia is a bubbling, bustling melting pot of races and religious where Malays, Chinese, Indians and many other people live together in peace and harmony.The largest ethnic groups in Malaysia are the Malays, Chinese and Indians. In Sabah and Sarawak, there are myriad of indigenous ethic groups with their own unique culture and heritage. 

More Information on Malaysia can be found at: